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Talk about culture, travel, and life.
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How artificial intelligence can prevent food wastage ... and clean my floors
A couple days ago I had to throw out all my chicken because it got spoiled over the weekend while I was at my family’s place. Learning to...

What it's like to work in corporate America
Couple weeks ago I tweeted about how my boss told me I was late on an assignment even though I started two days ago. Go follow me...

The Arab Israeli Struggle From a Youth Perspective
As I walked through the hallways of Ein Mahel, I could feel the students’ eyes following me. They welcomed us into a newly furnished...

Week 2
I swear week two went by in a flash. Before I knew it I was back in Bangalore visiting my aunt and uncle for the weekend, realizing I’ve...

Cold Showers
Quick funny/embarrassing story. So for the past week I've been taking cold showers. I’m talking freezing. On one hand it was nice because...

Week 1
When I drove through the gates of Shanti Bhavan last Thursday I was scared, I can’t even lie. The two and half hour drive from Bangalore...

What was your happiest moment?
I’ve never cry-laughed more than I have in the past 24 hours with these kids. I don't understand how they are so funny and they clearly...

The 11th graders
Yesterday was exhausting but really rewarding. I haven't even started teaching yet, but for some reason I was very tired by the end of...
Himalayas or Himalayas?
Americans come here to teach but in the process learn they have a lot to be taught as well. I remember a specific instance in which my...

It’s crazy because I feel like this entire past year has been a first for everything. College, meeting new people, Shanti Bhavan, the...
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